Please note, these are not fixed prices. All pricing is dependent on the complexity, timeline, and type of order. Final prices will be discussed on a customer to customer bases. These are a rough estimate of prices, to learn more please contact us for a consultation
Birthday | Holiday | Graduation | Other Occasion (please specify)
strawberry shortcake | chocolate mousse cake | vanilla cake | chocolate cake | ice moon cake | other request (please specify)
6” round ($38+) | 8” round ($48+) | 10” round ($58+)
One tier (approx. 2-2.5”) | two tiers(approx. 5-6”) (+ $10)
less sweet | regular sweet | sweet tooth |
Writing on Cake (+2) | Fondant decal and other adornments (Priced Per Order)
Any allergy information that we should be aware, let us know and we will see how we can accommodate